The interdisciplinary quality of Music: methodological proposals for teachers in training
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This methodological proposal arises from the need that the subject Música y su Aplicación Didáctica in the Master Degree, in Elementary Education, recently introduced brings up. Teaching students have the preconception that music is limited to the context of entertainment possibilities, using it as a reward after overcoming a difficult task.
From the experience in different levels (primary, secondary and university), we are able to propose a more comprehensive view of musical expression which is based on traditional methods of music education with the addition of the progress of the 21st Century. The use of new technologies and the development of reflective skills should be the appropriate framework for thinking about music as one of the interdisciplinary most effective tools for education today.
Edgar Morin, among other authors, says that inter-, poly- and transdisciplinarity relationships are complex but they play an important role in the development of knowledge. It is understood that "cooperation, joint, common objects and common projects" are part of the essential lines for as this proposal. This proposal implies pooling subjects from Master Degree in Primary Education, including Didáctica de la Lengua, Ciencias experimentales, Didáctica de la Educación Física and Música y su Aplicación Didáctica.