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  • Magdalena Jaume Adrover Universidad de las Islas Baleares
  • Noemy Berbel Gòmez Universidad de las Islas Balelalres
No. 11 (2017), Articles, pages 191-199
Submitted: Jan 30, 2018 Accepted: Jan 30, 2018 Published: Mar 7, 2017
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This project aims to experiment and analyse some of the work conditions and structures that allow transforming the passive spectator of an art centre into an active author. Being children, in this case, both audience and culture creators at the same time. The material of artistic creation is the movement of the art centre to the street occupation. The space is empty; there is no architecture without activity in it. The architecture is not construction. The question is to live, not to build. Find and begin activities that transform spaces with music, art, architecture...; developing them with no other intention but the one to discover and dominate a new capacity of transformation of the place. Occupied spaces by sound or plastic stages, interventions or performances are able to influence – in its process- the senses and the learning of children and future educators, and provide spaces with new inhabitants.  The art centre will preserve the documents generated in these discoveries, with the purpose of highlighting and spreading that educational time of appropriation of urban space.


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Jaume Adrover, M., & Berbel Gòmez, N. (2017). Urban Place as a Centre of Art. DEDiCA. Revista De Educação E Humanidades, (11), 191–199.