Know the social environment of Music, a necessary condition in postmodern Musical Education
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About 40 years ago Ausubel gave one of his most famous phrases in defense of meaningful learning, "If I had to reduce all educational psychology to one principle, enunciate this: The most important factor influencing learning is what the student already knows". And this was not an isolated principle, responding to one of the currents of thought of s. XX greater social commitment: Postmodernism. Since then there has been a constant attempt of Education for everything that is built from the near, known and meaningful. This paper reviews the past 80 years in education in the expressive field from the paradigm of Postmodernism and the position of the Music Education of it. Considered in Music Education aims expression, understanding and critical evaluation of the musical elements of life, culture and society. The article reviews from a postmodern look their findings, achievements and subjects still pending and the contributions and limits large methodologies of musical education. XX from a comprehensive and critical look. Finally, the article leaves open a question with the conviction that his answer is that justifies or not the presence of music education in the curriculum: What is the value and meaning of music education for contemporary man?