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  • David J. Hargreaves Grupo de Investigación HUM-672 A.R.E.A.(Análisis de la Realidad EducativA), de la Secretaría General de Universidades, Investigación y Tecnología, de la Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía, con sede en la Universidad de Granada
Núm. 1 (2011), Artículos, Páginas 53-66
Recibido: Feb 28, 2018 Aceptado: Feb 28, 2018 Publicado: Mar 1, 2011
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This paper reviews some of the changes and developments that have occurred in music education over the last decade, following Hargreaves and North’s (2001) international review. I describe some recent developments in England, in which change has been very rapid, and in which education has had a high political profile, and then consider the three main issues which emerged from our international review, namely curriculum issues; the aims and objectives of music education; and the relationship between music in and out of school. I go on to describe two theoretical models which were developed as a result of my work with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) in England: these are models of the different opportunities in music education, and of its intended outcomes. The first of these reveals the importance of the differences between formal and informal music learning, both of which can take place inside as well as outside schools. I conclude by reflecting on the power and ubiquity of music in young people’s everyday lives, which mean that music education policy should reflect and capitalize upon this power.


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Cómo citar

Hargreaves, D. J. (2011). Intercultural perspectives on formal and informal Music learning. DEDiCA. Revista De Educação E Humanidades, (1), 53–66.