Vol. 47 (2010): 2. The state of spatial planning in Spain

2. The state of spatial planning in Spain

Published: 2010-12-16

Table of contents

The state of spatial planning in Spain

  • Francisco Rodríguez Martínez
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 9-14

Citizen participation in land management: potential and limitations.

  • Fernando Manero Miguel
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 47-71

Sustainable development of land in megacities

  • Alfonso Valenzuela-Aguilera
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 73-93

Territorial planning of the metropolitan region of Madrid. Unfinished business

  • Manuel Valenzuela Rubio
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 95-129

The territorial planning in Catalonia

  • Oriol Nel·lo i Colom
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 131-167

Territorial perspective of the European Union: the long way towards the territorial cohesion

  • José Antonio Camacho Ballesta
  • Yulia Melikhova
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 169-188

Spatial planning in Spain. Personal reflection

  • Florencio Zoido Naranjo
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 189-221

Territorial planning and urban system in Andalusia. Notes for a reflection from the geography

  • Francisco Rodríguez Martínez
  • Luis Miguel Sánchez Escolano
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 223-245

Theory and practise in the territorial planning of the urban aglomerations of Seville and Granada

  • Amparo Ferrer Rodríguez
  • José Antonio Nieto Calmaestra
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 247-273

The «vilified» planning: a view from the experience in public administration

  • José Manuel Jurado Almonte
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 275-295

Deconstruction and territorial joint of the luso-andalusian border

  • Juan Antonio Márquez Domínguez
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 297-316

Country planning in Aragón: focus and instruments

  • Vicente Bielza de Ory
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 347-377

Spatial distribution and characterization of the main elements of the logistic system in Asturias

  • Fermín Rodríguez Gutiérrez
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Pages 379-402

Regional planning policies in the Balearic Islands

  • Onofre Rullán Salamanca
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 403-428

Spatial planning and protected areas management and the territorial model in the Canary Islands Region (1982-2009)

  • Juan M. Parreño Castellano
  • Ramón Díaz Hernández
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 429-451

Land management in Cantabria: regulations, planning, projects and facts

  • Carmen Delgado Viñas
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 453-491

Regional planning in Castilla-La Mancha: state of affairs and studies of cases

  • Julio Plaza Tabasco
  • Héctor Samuel Martínez Sánchez-Mateos
  • Rafael Ubaldo Gosálves Rey
Published: Mar 17, 2013
Pages 493-522

Spatial planning and development in Castilla y León. Analysis and valuations

  • Juan Ignacio Plaza Gutiérrez
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 523-552

Territorial management of democratic Extremadura

  • Antonio José Campesino Fernández
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 553-581

The troubled path of the territorial planning in Galicia

  • Rubén C. Lois González
  • José A. Aldrey Vázquez
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 583-610

The territory, one thing which needs a plan: the salt marshes of the coast and interior of the Murcia Region

  • Salvador Gil Guirado
  • Encarnación Gil Meseguer
  • José María Gómez Espín
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 611-635

Evolution of territorial planning in the Basque Autonomous Community

  • Pello Urkidi Elorrieta
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 637-666

The spatial planning in Spain in the threshold of the 21st century. A revision from geography

  • Luis Miguel Sánchez Escolano
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 669-681

Introducción a la ordenación del territorio. Un enfoque geográfico

  • Antonio Jesús Gorría Ipas
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 685-688

De la ordenación a la planificación territorial en el ámbito regional-comarca

  • M.ª Luz Hernández Navarro
Published: Mar 17, 2013
Pages 689-691

Áreas metropolitanas de España. La nueva forma de la ciudad

  • Luis Miguel Sánchez Escribano
Published: Dec 17, 2010
Pages 693-694