Peculiarities of Poetics of the Unfinished Novel by Gayto Gazdanov “Takeover”
Gaito Gazdanov, genre, political novel, stylistic features, plot, character, existentialismAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the features of Gaito Gazdanov's novel "The Coup". For the first time, an attempt was made to analyze this unfinished novel published after the death of the writer. The authors made analyze the reasons for the transformation of the novelist's prose, since the poetics of the novel differs from the works he created earlier. The subject of research is the stylistic features of this work. The authors of the article substantiate the emergence of such a new genre in Gazdanov's prose and pay special attention to comparing the problems of the novel and the political situation in France, and also analyze the influence of the writer's journalistic activities, which left an imprint on the style of the novel. The writer reveals the deep drama of the era through the feelings of the main characters and shows a complex picture of social relations and political confrontations.Downloads
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