Memorats and Family Photos of Russians of the Three Rivers: Family-Generic Foundations of Historical Memory


  • Andrey P. Zabiyako Amur State University (AmSU) (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Anna A. Zabiyako Amur State University (AmSU) (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Juyang Zhang Amur State University (AmSU) (Blagoveshchensk)



Russians, Trekhrechye, memorials, family photos


The main goal of the study is the reconstruction of significant aspects of the family-clan and ethnic culture of a special ethnolocal group of Russians – Russians of the Trekhrechye (Sanhe district, Inner Mongolia, China). The source of the reconstruction is the audio-visual complexes (oral story, narrative, accompanying the demonstration of the family photo archive). In the ethnolocal group of Russians of the Trekhrechye, memorials and family photo archives retained in the Chinese environment a close relationship with the Russian tradition of narrativization and the display of family photo collections: they are especially significant as a visual fixation of historical memory and the basis of ethnic identity. The gender components of the family past narrative and the gender photographic images of the family group in the ethno-cultural conditions of the Trekhrechye reveal the general patterns of the functioning of memorials in an ethnic context and reveal the specifics of the functioning of narratives, due to the characteristics of culture.


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Author Biographies

Andrey P. Zabiyako, Amur State University (AmSU) (Blagoveshchensk)

кафедра религиоведения и истории, заведующий лаборатория археологии и антропологии, заведующий

Anna A. Zabiyako, Amur State University (AmSU) (Blagoveshchensk)

кафедра литературы и мировой художественной культуры, заведующая

Juyang Zhang, Amur State University (AmSU) (Blagoveshchensk)

кафедра литературы и мировой художественной культуры, аспирант


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How to Cite

Zabiyako, A. P., Zabiyako, A. A., & Zhang, J. (2019). Memorats and Family Photos of Russians of the Three Rivers: Family-Generic Foundations of Historical Memory. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 15, 293–304.



History and Culture