Aspectual Characteristics of the Verb in Russian Textbooks for Foreigners in the Second Half of the 18th - the Beginning of the 19th Century (French Tradition)


  • Leonid V. Moskovkin Saint Petersburg State University
  • Sergey V. Vlasov Saint Petersburg State University



Russian as a foreign language, methodology of teaching, history of teaching Russian language, verbal aspects, textbooks, grammatical terminology


The article deals with aspectual characteristics of the verb in Russian language textbooks for French-speaking students of J.-B. J. Charpentier and F. de Marignan (1768), F. V. Karjavine (1791), J.-B. Maudru (1802, 1808), as well as anonymous "New Russian Grammar" (1788). The authors of these textbooks relied on the description of the verb in the "Russian grammar" of M. V. Lomonosov (1755), but at the same time interpreted them in their own way, trying to make them more understandable for students. Each of them offered his own version of the systematization of verbal forms. The French authors used grammatical terms familiar to French students. Thus, the evolution of ideas about verbal aspects in the Russian textbooks for French-speaking students was due to pedagogical considerations. The anonymous author of the “New Russian Grammar”, which is being analyzed for the first time, was based on grammatical ideas of V. E. Adodurov: he distinguished three verbal tenses and two aspects, thereby anticipating further theories of Russian verb aspects.


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Author Biographies

Leonid V. Moskovkin, Saint Petersburg State University

Profesor del departamento del ruso como lengua extrangera y metodos de su ensenanza, doctor en ciencias pedagogicas

Sergey V. Vlasov, Saint Petersburg State University

Заведующий кафедрой французского языка,

кандидат филологических наук


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How to Cite

Moskovkin, L. V., & Vlasov, S. V. (2019). Aspectual Characteristics of the Verb in Russian Textbooks for Foreigners in the Second Half of the 18th - the Beginning of the 19th Century (French Tradition). Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 15, 177–191.


