Literary Reminiscences in Russian Nationally Oriented Advertising


  • Elena N. Remchukova Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) (Moscow)
  • Gueorgui Nenov Hristovski University of Lisbon (Lisbon)
  • Viktoriia A. Omelianenko Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) (Moscow)



intertextuality, reminiscences in advertising, Russian advertising, literature and advertising, precedent text


The article describes the features of the functioning of reminiscences with "Russian classical literature" as the source field in the nationally oriented Russian advertising. Literary reminiscences in Russian advertising are considered as a form of manifestation of intertextuality and as a way of foregrounding the precedent text. Amid the general tendency towards linguistic creativity, they are often found in a transformed mode. The study presents an ethical assessment of the use of literary reminiscences in advertising and sets out their main functions. Special attention is paid to poetic reminiscences as the most common type of literary reminiscence in the analyzed material. The results of the linguistic and cultural and the pragmatic analysis of multimodal advertising texts showed that through literary reminiscences, commercial advertising appeals to the patriotic feelings of the mass viewer and thereby reinforces its main function – that of influence.


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Author Biographies

Elena N. Remchukova, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) (Moscow)

Doctor of Philology; Professor of Department of General and Russian Linguistics at RUDN University

Gueorgui Nenov Hristovski, University of Lisbon (Lisbon)

Department of General and Romance Linguistics, Director of the Centre for Slavic Languages and Cultures

Viktoriia A. Omelianenko, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) (Moscow)

Assistant at Department of Russian Language No 2 of Faculty of Russian and General Education Disciplines of RUDN, Ph.D. student at Department of General and Russian Linguistics at RUDN University


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How to Cite

Remchukova, E. N., Hristovski, G. N., & Omelianenko, V. A. (2018). Literary Reminiscences in Russian Nationally Oriented Advertising. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 14, 93–105.


