Academic Discourse: Theory and Practice


  • Liudmila I. Bogdanova Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)



academic discourse, intercultural differences, hedging, oral communication, understanding and production of texts, problems of teaching


This article discusses intercultural differences in academic discourse, methods of indirect communication, and the phenomenon of hedging. The article deals with theoretical and practical preparation of postgraduate students to the effective intercultural communication in academic area and to the formation of communicative competence in oral scientific speech in receptive and productive aspects. The course includes three main sections. The first section is introductory; it aims to obtaining of necessary knowledge about communication models and the mechanisms of its formation. In the second section the special attention is paid to development of public performance skills on basis of studying of institutional discourse structure and argumentation rules. In the third section intercultural differences, hedging and the genres of oral scientific communication are considered.


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Author Biography

Liudmila I. Bogdanova, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)

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How to Cite

Bogdanova, L. I. (2018). Academic Discourse: Theory and Practice. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 14, 81–92.


