The Reflection of the Identity of Russians through Recognition of Auto-Ethno-Implicatures (by the Example of Analysis of Auto-Ethno-Implicatures about Russian Talk)


  • Marina S. Belova Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk)



national-cultural identity, Russians, national values of Russians, ethno-implicature, auto-ethno-implicature


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of national identity of modern Russian people through its reflection in the Russian language. The consideration of the problem of national identity is connected with the question of who can be attributed to the Russians today. It is believed that one of the key conditions for the formation of a national-cultural identity is the assimilation of the values and norms of its sociocultural community, which can be reflected in language in the form of stable expressions (proverbs, sayings, idioms, etc.), and in the form of ethno-implicatures ( auto-ethno-implicatures). If the stable expressions characterizing a particular nation (ethnic group, nation), including Russians, are studied well enough, then research on ethno-implicatures (especially auto-ethno-implicatures) is clearly insufficient. It is assumed that through the recognition of auto-ethno-implicatures, it is possible to determine the current national values of modern Russians, as well as to trace their changes. This is possible, in our opinion, with the help of a series of linguistic and sociolinguistic experiments. The article presents the results of a linguistic experiment aimed at recognizing auto-ethno-implicatures of one of the key values / traits of Russians, according to researchers, – the sincerity of relations, the need for close social relations, expressed in such a thing as “Russian conversation”.


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Author Biography

Marina S. Belova, Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk)

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How to Cite

Belova, M. S. (2019). The Reflection of the Identity of Russians through Recognition of Auto-Ethno-Implicatures (by the Example of Analysis of Auto-Ethno-Implicatures about Russian Talk). Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 15, 77–86.


