The Use of Phraseological Units as an Attribute of L.N. Tolstoy's Language Personality (Based on the Analysis Experience of the Speech from the Author and Characters of Works of Fiction)
individual style, language personality, fiction text, L.N. Tolstoy’s language, phraseological unit, proverbAbstract
The analysis of author's speech and character’s speech in fiction texts by L.N. Tolstoy showed that the phraseological means of the language are an integral part of a writer’s individual style, regardless of the form of the speech creation acts. The article concerns the role of phraseological units in creating the image of the author as well as speech of the characters. The examples of phraseological units functioning of in the author’s speech to represent the spatial and temporal characteristics are examined. The examples of using the phraseological units in reported speech are analyzed when the information about a character is given through the author’s speech. Special attention is being paid to the role of phraseologisms in character’s speech, for example the speech of Platon Karatayev uses 20 proverbs characterizing various situations and attitude to them. The use of phraseologisms in different genres (drama “The Power of Darkness”), epic novel (“War and Peace”) as a means of self characteristics is examined. Besides the contexts of using phraseologisms for protagonists featuring each other are shown.Downloads
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