Modifications of titles in self-translation (basing on Vladimir Navokov’s collection of stories «The Return of Chorb»)


  • Olga G. Yegorova Universidad Estatal de Astrakhán
  • Anna A. Borovskaya Universidad Estatal de Astrakhán
  • Olga Ye. Romanovskaya Universidad Estatal de Astrakhán



V. Nabokov, bilingualism, modification, title, story


The article is devoted to study of the self-translation of stories' titles by Vladimir Nabokov from the point of view of structural and semantic changes, stipulated by use of semantic reduction, semantic specification, compensation and modulation. The authors study the literary text on the grounds of compare-and-contrast, structural, intertextual and cognitive methods of research. The main subject of research are the stories from the collection "The return of Chorb". The bilingual writer often deviates in translation from a proclaimed principle of "literal translation" what is stipulated by Nabokov’s desire to specify or to emphasize the semantics of the title. The article also explains the reasons why certain stories have not been translated by the author into English.


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Author Biographies

Olga G. Yegorova, Universidad Estatal de Astrakhán

Институт языка, директор, профессор
Каспийская высшая школа перевода, директор

Anna A. Borovskaya, Universidad Estatal de Astrakhán

кафедра литературы, профессор

Olga Ye. Romanovskaya, Universidad Estatal de Astrakhán

кафедра литературы, доцент


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How to Cite

Yegorova, O. G., Borovskaya, A. A., & Romanovskaya, O. Y. (2016). Modifications of titles in self-translation (basing on Vladimir Navokov’s collection of stories «The Return of Chorb»). Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 12, 135–146.



Theory and Practice of Translation