On the Problem of Transliteration of Names and Terms in Russian from Other Graphic Systems
Transliteration of Russian, Turkish Latin alphabet, Arabic alphabet, scientific transliteration of the Arabic alphabetAbstract
The scientific transliteration of Russian, based on the principle of automatic retransliteration as in the principle “isographic-etymological” allows the Slavist to reconstruct the original Cyrillic spelling without the possibility for error or ambiguity. However, as demonstrated in this work, with regard to Turkish and Arabic, it is not applicable to toponyms and anthroponyms of other languages that appear in Russian texts transcribed in Cyrillic letters.. For this reason, to retransliterate toponyms and anthroponyms into Latin letters at a scientific level, it is advisable to adhere, in the case of Turkish, to the official Latin spelling of this language, and, in the case of Arabic, to the universal norms established by the Arabists since the middle of the 19th century. Furthermore, this article offers a model of scientific transliteration of the Arabic aliphate into Cyrillic letters.
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