Teaching the Russian Language in Cuba

History and Current State of Bachelor’s Degree in Russian Language





teaching, Russian language, origin, development, Cuba


Studying the Russian language in Cuba demonstrates a long history, sometimes full of obstacles and difficulties. However, the University of Havana at the Faculty of Foreign Languages has managed to keep Russian Language Program, in which more and more young people are enrolled every year. This article provides a brief overview of the origins and development of Russian studies in the Republic of Cuba. The study of official documents, the discussions with participants in a significant part of the Russian language teaching process in Cuba and the author’s forty-year teaching experience at the faculty have made it possible to collect the necessary data and to prepare a brief history of the research issue. The objective of the article is to provide readers with concise information about the beginning, the path covered and the current state of studying the Russian language as well as to present an opportunity to get acquainted with the Russian language teaching experience of professors and teachers in Cuba.


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How to Cite

Urra Vargas, T. de J. (2023). Teaching the Russian Language in Cuba: History and Current State of Bachelor’s Degree in Russian Language. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 19, 201–211. https://doi.org/10.30827/cre.v19.27975


