On the Question of Part-of-Speech Affiliation of Terms of Oil and Gas Industry


  • Mohamed Rachid Miloud Algiers University 2 named after Abu Elkassem Saad Allah (Algiers, Algeria)




term, terminology, oil and gas industry, verb, noun, adjective


The paper is devoted to the study of the problem of part-of-speech affiliation of the term in the field of oil and gas industry. Many terminologists believe that terms should be represented only by nouns. Others believe that other significant parts of speech can also act as a term. The question remains controversial: is the terminology limited to nouns or does it also include adjectives and verbs? The article irrefutably proves that terms can be nouns, verbs and adjectives. Different points of view on part-of-speech affiliation of terms in the linguistic literature are presented in this article. The theoretical questions related to part-of-speech issue in oil and gas terminology are described. The analysis proves that nouns are not the only means of expressing a special concept, but the fact that nouns represent a stable part of the vocabulary of the oil and gas terminology system remains unchanged.


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How to Cite

Miloud, M. R. (2022). On the Question of Part-of-Speech Affiliation of Terms of Oil and Gas Industry. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 18, 31–42. https://doi.org/10.30827/cre.v18.23618


