Improving the Skills of Speaking a Foreign Language through the Tandem Method


  • Dana K. Bartosh Moscow State Linguistic University (Moscow, Russia)
  • Maria V. Kharlamova Moscow State Linguistic University (Moscow, Russia)
  • Maria V. Belyaeva Moscow City Pedagogical University (Moscow, Russia)
  • Elena V. Stoyanova Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Shumen, Bulgaria)



tandem method, independent work, non-linguistic university, foreign language, motivation, communication


Analysis of the content of independent work in the context of modern trends in the development of society and education, the specifics of the subject "Foreign language" and the peculiarities of its teaching in a non-linguistic university allowed the authors to substantiate the need to search for its effective forms that involve interactive interpersonal interaction of students with each other and contribute to the development of intercultural communicative competence. The possibilities of using the tandem method in the independent work of students to create motivated communication in a foreign language for educational purposes were analyzed. In the course of experimental training, the authors determined the didactic potential of the tandem method for improving speaking skills, in particular, increasing a number of indicators of students' oral statements, such as semantic integrity and the logic of presentation, the use of lexical and grammatical means adequate to the situation, information content, the correspondence of speech intentions to a communicative task, etc. , and also outlined the prospects for further research regarding the implementation of the tandem method in practice.


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How to Cite

Bartosh, D. K., Kharlamova, M. V., Belyaeva, M. V., & Stoyanova, E. V. (2021). Improving the Skills of Speaking a Foreign Language through the Tandem Method. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 17, 275–291.


