Paradox in the Fairytale of O. Wilde: PRESCRIBED and GIVEN as the Sources of New Notion


  • Yerik Gulnur L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
  • Kuralai Urazaeva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)



fairytale, Oscar Wilde, paradox, “Young King”, “The Birthday of the Infanta”, prescribed and given


The article is dedicated to the new understanding of paradox. It is based on the notion of paradox as an indicator of aesthetic perception by the reader. The notion of paradox is based on correlation of prescribed and given as components of its structure. The syntagmatic story line is reviewed as prescribed. The factors contributing to paradigmaticalness of plot are analyzed as given. The balance of tragic and comedic, research of paradox as formation of new concept has become a subject matter as well. The predicative role of pattern, semantic structure in terms of motive actants are enucleated and analyzed. The directionality of paradox to the reader is demonstrated as well: a history prescribed by the story line is converted to given as allegorical and apocryphal text. The predicative role of the self-sacrifice and victim inducement for acquisition of new knowledge, the hero's understanding of the verity is illustrated. The concept of plotting in the fairy tale characterized that way. The paradox is explored as connection of genuine Beauty with suffer and redemption of guilt. The effect of ethical on aesthetic concept of verity and beauty is analyzed as aesthetic essence of paradox and formation process of a new notion.


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How to Cite

Gulnur, . Y., & Urazaeva, K. (2021). Paradox in the Fairytale of O. Wilde: PRESCRIBED and GIVEN as the Sources of New Notion. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 17, 249–260.


