The Post-Modern Narrative Methods in Short Novels by A. Gavrilov


  • Ruslan S. Liapin H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkov



postmodernism, logocentrism, the principle of non-selection, pluralism, chaos, referential communication model


The article describes the aspects of the implementation of the postmodern paradigm of fragmentation, disorder of the world in the short novels of A. Gavrilov. Based on the reference model of communication proposed by O. G. Revzina and I. I. Revzin, the violated postulates of “normal communication” in the process of interaction between the heroes of his stories are described. It is shown that the principle of D. Fokkem’s nonselection, violating the connectedness of the narrative and creating the effect of “narrative chaos”, is applied in his works. Cases of using the author of such techniques for creating "information noise" in stories as redundancy and intermittence are highlighted and described. Formal narrative anomalies in A. Gavrilov's prose reflect the author’s philosophical attitude to the perception of the world as chaos, the so-called “postmodern sensitivity”.


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Author Biography

Ruslan S. Liapin, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkov

PhD student


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How to Cite

Liapin, R. S. (2020). The Post-Modern Narrative Methods in Short Novels by A. Gavrilov. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 16, 171–181.


