The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus in the Russian Poetry of the XIX-XXI Centuries: Stages and Ways of Plot Development


  • Tatiana Ye. Avtukhovich Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Grodno, Belarus)


Palabras clave:

myth, Daedalus, Icarus, plot, motif, Russian poetry of the XIX-XXI century
Agencias: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Grodno, Belarus)


The article examines the history of the myth of Daedalus and Icarus in Russian poetry of the XIX-XXI centuries in the context of a changing socio-cultural, aesthetic and literary situation; identifies ways to develop and directions of value transformation of the myth. To this end, the initial plot–forming motives of the myth are revealed – the motive of heroic resistance to the gods and the motive of overcoming the limitations of human nature; the conflictogenic situation of the ancient myth is characterized - the situation of violation of prohibitions; The question is raised that the syncretism of myth, in which the abstract and the concrete are inextricably fused, makes its symbolic interpretation possible; the main semantic oppositions (man/personality – world/society) and the directions of myth development in European literature and art of the rhetorical era are outlined. The main part of the article it is shown that in Russian poetry, for two centuries, the plot of the ancient myth has been going through several stages of development: from the assimilation of myth as a common word of culture (Pushkin) through the actualization of the symbolic content of images and psychological reflection (Fet, Nadson), then the development of the associative field of the symbol and correlation with reality as a universal code (S. Kissin, Sasha Cherny, V. Bryusov) and the creation of an individually creative myth (Nabokov, Pasternak) for demythologization (Sapgir, Antokolsky, Sosnora, Avaliani, Brodsky, Kushner) towards the destruction of the myth (Levchenko, Strongovsky, Feldman). It is revealed that the functioning of the myth reflects the value transformations of Russian society: the stage of heroization and idealization of the act of Daedalus and Icarus is replaced by an ironic decline in images, the emptying of their semantics.


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Cómo citar

Avtukhovich, T. Y. (2024). The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus in the Russian Poetry of the XIX-XXI Centuries: Stages and Ways of Plot Development. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 20, 205–220.


