The Derivational and Semantic Space “Bell Ringing” in the Russian Language: Linguistic and Cultural Aspect
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semantics, word formation, derivative word, Russian Language, linguoculturology, ethnolinguisticsResumen
The article examines the ethnocultural content of derived words formed on the basis of the verbs to ring / ring, the totality of which makes up the derivational and semantic space "bell ringing". This vocabulary represents a special, socio-cultural layer of the language, directly related to the religious beliefs of the Russian ethnic group and its history. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the facts of modification and transformation of the national cultural component in the lexical meaning of derived nominative units. The study used descriptive and linguocultural methods, techniques of prospective and retrospective word-formation analysis, as well as methods of onomasiological and ethnolinguistic description of derivative vocabulary. The innovation of the work is determined by a dynamic approach to the analysis of linguistic objects, which is aimed at bridging the gap between synchronic and diachronic word formation. It allows you to penetrate deeper into the processes of the evolution of word-formation and lexical semantics, as a result of which the systematization of linguistic units receives a qualitatively new level of generalization. The linguistic and cultural aspect of the study made it possible to identify the idioethnic nature of a concept, ways to actualize it through word-formation labeling and further semantic development. It is established that certain conceptual structures of the semantic sphere under study (names of abstract concepts, artifacts, agents and feminitives) are semantically modified in the process of language development, reflecting the process of filling the form of the same linguistic sign with more complex content. This emphasizes their role and importance in the cultural and value orientation of native speakers of the Russian language. The results of the analysis indicate the interaction of linguistic and extra-linguistic information in a word, give an idea of the ways of expressing universal and ethno-cultural meanings, about the specifics of the organization of derived words within one semantic space.
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