Small Parametric Core of Russian and Spanish Vocabulary in the Linguocognitive Aspect
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Russian, Spanish, parametric analysis, lexical core, lexical picture of the world, cognitive-semantic blockResumen
The article presents a linguocognitive comparison of the core lexicon of the Russian and Spanish languages obtained by means of the quantitative analysis on the basis of linguistic parameters. The aim of the research is to reveal the cognitive-semantic basics of the lexical composition of the core in each language, to establish lexical-semantic parallels and differences, as well as to find out historical and cultural motivations for the active use of this lexicon in Russian and Spanish. For the analysis of lexical cores, the linguistic methods of cognitive language research have been used in combination with the comparative method, with the help of which it was possible to consider different ways of reflecting knowledge in the languages. As a result of the description, it has been revealed that the nuclear vocabulary in the languages under comparison builds the basic foundation of the linguistic pictures of the world of the Russian and Spanish languages where the correlation of common cognitive-semantic blocks prevails, which is due to the universal logic of the world perception. Various mental and linguistic approaches to the categorization of the same sphere of knowledge are also identified. Specific discrepancies are found within the blocks and are typical to a number of lexical units, which represent historical and cultural/ethno-cultural information.
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