Problemas de la traducción del aspecto verbal ruso y de los modos de acción verbal al kazajo y al inglés


  • Leila Seitzhaparovna Sabitova Universidad Nacional Euroasiática “L. N. Gumilev”, Astaná


Palabras clave:

aspect, actionality, Russian, English, Kazak, translation


This article touches upon issues on the translation of the Russian verb aspect and actionality into the Kazak and English languages. The problem is thought to be current because there can be revealed the ways of transformation of such a complex grammatical category when it is translated into languages which do not possess this category. The examples revealed in the article show main grammatical and lexical tendencies for translating Russian aspectual oppositions which may be very difficult in transferring their meanings into other non-Slavic languages. Moreover, there appears a possibility for contrastive analysis between those languages with different structures in their use of various ways in translating the grammatical category of aspect and actionality.


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Biografía del autor/a

Leila Seitzhaparovna Sabitova, Universidad Nacional Euroasiática “L. N. Gumilev”, Astaná



Cómo citar

Sabitova, L. S. (2012). Problemas de la traducción del aspecto verbal ruso y de los modos de acción verbal al kazajo y al inglés. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 6, 165–171.



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