The Canonization of Ignatius of Loyola (1622): conflict of interests between Rome, Madrid and Paris
Ignatius of Loyola, holiness, The Sacred Congregation of Rites, Hispanic Monarchy, Papacy, French Monarchy.Abstract
The canonization of Ignatius of Loyola symbolized the triumph of a new model of spirituality; reflecting the same one as Felipe Neri, Teresa of Jesus and Francis Xavier, canonized all together in block —with Isidro Labrador— in 1622. Such type of canonization had no precedents. but, apart from the spiritual model, the canonization of the founder of the Society of Jesus meant the glorification of a new political project that will be discussed in the following pages: the support of Rome to the French monarchy, newly converted to Catholicism, which was presented as the sole protector of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius. Thus, the papacy created an image of San Ignacio breaking all the ties with the Hispanic Monarchy.Downloads
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