The weight of Mars. “Remplazo” military system and the “Congregazione dello Stato” in Spanish Milan (1662-1700)
Ejercito de Lombardía, Congregazione dello Stato, estado fiscal militar, fiscalidad militar, Gasto militarAbstract
From the introduction of the remplazo system in the year of 1662, the Congregazione dello Stato, a representative organism of the cities and country of the State of Milan, obtained the supreme control of the repartition of the military taxes. A prerogative to make then a supreme arbiter in the fiscal mind and in the last decades of the Spanish rule the most powerful instrument counter the arbitrate of the Spanish governors. In the reality the power of these tribunal were controversy and in the years of emergence and wars his effective authority was limited and prevaricated of the Spanish high command, his autonomy and prerogative was scarified front the supreme interest of the defence.
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