From Poverty to Opulence: Huéscar Council Finances In the First Middle of the 16th Century
Huéscar, 161h century, «condestable» of Navarra, duke of Alba, local regulations, council financesAbstract
The town council archival data in Huéscar about its real estate let us elucidate how the property carne from poverty to opulence between the end of the 15th century and the middle of the 16th. In this evolution, we can distinguish three steps. The first, dates the first quarter of the 16th century, characterised for the inadequacy of goods to face the expenses of the council and the press of the feudal sirs as well (firstly the «condestable» of Navarra and later the duke of Alba) to get a better income. The second (1526-36) called legislation period, gives the basis of a reorganized property making a wide local regulations. The third (1537-50), the town reaches to organize the business of its real assets in a coherent way, enjoying rearranged goods which give surplus in most of the events.
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