"Family Business": Social and institutional characteristics of municipal stewards at the Kingdom of Granada (1492-1550)
History of the institutions, Municipal estates, Public positions, Leasing of taxes, Stockbreeding, Trade, Family strategies, Social ascent, Patronage system, Judeoconversos, BazaAbstract
The successive municipal reforms of the town councils of Granada between ends of the XVth century and beginnings of the XVlth and its effects in the position of municipal stewards is analyzed in the first part, as well as the changes in the social extraction of the ones that enter to such charges. Second part is dedicated to social analysis of the stewards from town of Baza until 1550, with special attention to their confessional and social origins, economic activities (collection of taxes, commerce, stockbreeding), access and fill of office, profits, family and patronage strategies and social ascent of many of them or their relatives.
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