Positivism and aesthetics in the second half of the 19th century in Spain: José Echegaray's theory of art
Aesthetics, Art theory, Art criticism, Echegaray, JoséAbstract
The theoretical artistic ídeas of the dramatist José Echegaray are discussed. These may be seen as positivist, although his thought starts from a rationalism with a metaphysical basis (close to Kraus- institutionism) and finishes by being strongly critical of this view. The study of theoretical aesthetics leads to the analysis of a real theory of art and concludes with a discussion of aspects of the criticism of art which are influenced by the vitalism of the end of the century.Downloads
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How to Cite
Falero, F. J. (1999). Positivism and aesthetics in the second half of the 19th century in Spain: José Echegaray’s theory of art. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 30, 287–293. Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/caug/article/view/9099
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