The historical city and town development in Colombia: an inter-university project between south Arnerica and Europe


  • Programa ALFA «Red Quiroga» El equipo de personas que integra la Red Quiroga es el siguiente: Rafael López Guzmán, Ignacio Henares Cuéllar y Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales (Universidad de Granada); Martha Barrero Morales, Andrés Gaviria Valenzuela, Josué Gómez Romero, Harold Jiménez Solanilla, Paola Andrea Mendoza Herrera, Luis Felipe Orjuela Mahecha, Claudia Yances y Carolina Rivera Valderrama (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia); Juan Benito Artigas (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México); Pedro Dias (Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal); y Lionello Puppi (Universitá degli Studi di Venezia, Italia )


Town planning, Town development, Historical town centres, ALFA Program


We present a summary of the activities carried out by the Quiroga network within the ALFA programme (America Latina Formación Académica) and aim to analyse the historie cities and the constraints involved in the development of modern town planning. Our study is based on three Colombian cities: Tunja, Santafé de Antioquia and Guadalajara de Buga.


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How to Cite

«Red Quiroga», P. A. (1999). The historical city and town development in Colombia: an inter-university project between south Arnerica and Europe. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 30, 209–220. Retrieved from


