Trade routes to the West Indies at the end of the 16th century: the Honduras and the Panamá - Portobelo options


  • Rafael López Guzmán Departamento de Historia del Arte. Universidad de Granada.
  • Gloria Espinosa Spínola Departamento de Historia, Geografía e Historia del Arte. Universidad de Almería.


lndian trade routes, Bibliographical collections, Saavedra, Francisco de, Antonelli, Bautista


The present paper analyses the controversies which arose al the end of the 16th century over the structure of the lndian trade routes. At that time the use of port Nombre de Diós was seen to cause difficulties anda change to Portobelo or to the region of Honduras was proposed. Bautista Antonelli carried out a series of inspections to establish which were the most viable and economical alternatives for the Spanish Crown. The documentation used in this study - now preserved in the Theological Faculty of Granada - was collected by Francisco de Saavedra, who occupied several administrative posts in America in the 18th century.


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How to Cite

López Guzmán, R., & Espinosa Spínola, G. (1999). Trade routes to the West Indies at the end of the 16th century: the Honduras and the Panamá - Portobelo options. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 30, 187–207. Retrieved from


