The beauty of the body and the soul. Observations on the paintings of Alonso Cano


  • Enrique Valdivieso González Departamento de Historia del Arte. Universidad de Sevilla.


Baroque painting, Religious literature, Cano, Alonso, Ruelas, Juan de


After Velázquez, Alonso Cano was the best painters of the human body in the Spanish baroque. In the present article we discuss how he was able to learn this difficult art in the Seville of his apprenticeship years. We also establish a connection bctween the religious literature of the time, which emphasized the physical beauty of holy figures and the art of Cano. As an example of this we examine Hermosura corporal de la Madre de Dios (The physical beauty of the Mother of God), a religious text written by Friar Juan de Ruelas and printed in Seville in 1621 , one which Cano probably knew, since at the time he was beginning his career in this town.


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How to Cite

Valdivieso González, E. (2000). The beauty of the body and the soul. Observations on the paintings of Alonso Cano. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 32, 125–137. Retrieved from


