Unity: a fundamental concept for music and the arts in the early years of the Franco Regime
Art, Music, Franco regime, Aesthetics, anistic thought, Musical thought, Aranguren, José Luis, Giménez Caballero, Ernesto, Laín Entralgo, Pedro, Muguruza, Otaño, Nemesio, Sánchez de Muniaín, José M.ª, Sánchez Mazas, Rafael, Sopeña, FedericoAbstract
In the early years of the Franco regime, the concept of the unity of the arts was promoted by official institutions and 'official' artists as a contribution to the concept of art at the service of the state. Stylistic unity, based 011 'tradition' and on the art works produced in other totalitarian re gimes, was encouraged, and resulted in the use of rituals and symbols which contributed to the process of ideological indoctrination. Unity as order and discipline to be applied in, and demanded of, artistic institutions, which in turn were the only means of participating in the production of works of art. The confluence of the aims of the different art forms also served to facilitate theoretical classification.Downloads
How to Cite
Cabrera García, M. I., & Pérez Zalduondo, G. (2004). Unity: a fundamental concept for music and the arts in the early years of the Franco Regime. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 35, 183–196. Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/caug/article/view/8914
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