Funereal catafalques and royal funerals in Granada towards the end of the Modern Age: the survival as convention of an emblematic genre ( 1789-1833)


  • José Policarpo Cruz Cabrera* Departamento de Historia del Arte. Universidad de Granada


Ephimeral architecture, Royal funerals, catafalques, Funeral mounds, Tombs, Charles 111, Charles IV, Ferdinand VII, Parma, María Luisa of (Queen of Spain), Braganza, María Isabel of (Queen of Spain), Saxony, María Josefa Amalia of (Queen o


This paper is a critica! documented study of the last royal funerals to take place in Granada at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries with the pomp and circumstance typical of the Ephimeral Baroque. The funeral ceremonies and tombs erected in honour of King Charles 111, Charles IV and Ferdinand VII and Queen María Luisa of Parma, María Isabel of Braganza and María Josefa Amalia of Saxony are described. By means of this study light is thrown 011 an emblematic genre falling into disuse and characteristic of the 'Estates' of the Ancien Regime.


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How to Cite

Cruz Cabrera*, J. P. (2005). Funereal catafalques and royal funerals in Granada towards the end of the Modern Age: the survival as convention of an emblematic genre ( 1789-1833). Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 36, 151–165. Retrieved from


