University museums in Europe. Challenges and initiatives


  • Isabel M. García Fernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Museums, University collections, European dimension


The university and the museum are the best examples of institutional globalisation in Europe. Many of the university collections, in addition to their intrinsic value and interest, have a close relationship with the places where they are located. Their significance is greatly enhanced by placing them in the context of what we know as the European dimension.

The future of European museums and university collections is undergoing an intense debate, universities are facing a necessary process of change and heritage can play a key role in this. Reorganization projects and new ways of interpretation, participation and collaboration are proposed to increase their potential and interest for a wide range of users.


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How to Cite

García Fernández, I. M. (2018). University museums in Europe. Challenges and initiatives. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 49, 11–32.



Dosier Museos Universitarios