An iconographic study of the engraving of the Consecration, the Flemish artist Abraham van Diepenbeeck


  • Juan Isaac Calvo Portela Becario de postdoctorado en el Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, UNAM


Eucharist, mass, Trinity, Abraham van Diepenbeeck, Mattheus Borrekens, Martinus van den Enden


In this article we study a engraving from the workshop of flemish artist, Abraham van Diepenbeeck, who opened the engraver Mattheus Borrekens and published Martinus van den Enden the Elder, between the late 1640s and early 1650s. In the Courtland Institute of London is preserved a previus sketch of this engraving, which allows us to approach the analysis of the creative process of the engraving. In this engraving are expressed many of the doctrines that the Council of Trent established on the Eucharist is expressed, and at the same time, it tries to deal the position of Jansenism on the Sacramento and also it opposes to the idea of frequent Communion, idea that was defended among others the Jesuits.


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How to Cite

Calvo Portela, J. I. (2017). An iconographic study of the engraving of the Consecration, the Flemish artist Abraham van Diepenbeeck. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 48, 7–25. Retrieved from


