Curious and voracious: Female rebellion in the light of surrealism
surrealism, femininity, cinema, Pipilotti Rist, Vera Chytilová, Lewis Carroll, Jaromil JiresAbstract
Surrealism, the movement founded by authors such as André Breton and Louis Aragon during the 1920s, has left an imprint on Western culture that goes beyond the spatial and temporal scope of the movement itself. Likewise, although the meaning of women within the movement (both as artists and in their representation) has been highly debated, many of their works then and now have been permeated by the aesthetic and vital proposals of the movement. This research aims to explore feminine rebellion as suggested or proposed in some works under surrealist influence, in which the feminine, situated in an ambivalent position between childhood and adulthood, is drawn as a subversive power through dreams, fantasy or game, calling into question the established symbolic order.
In order to do so, we review some works addressing this issue both in literature (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll); in cinema, through Czech films Alice (Jan Svankmajer, 1988), Daisies (Vera Chytilová, 1966) and Valerie and her Week of Wonders (Jaromil Jires, 1970), and in the video artwork by the Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist.
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