Writing, Image and Animality. Interspecies Bodies in Unica Zürn





Unica Zürn, animal, posthumanism, writing and image, surrealism, XXth century


In this article we research the conception of the animal in the visual and written work of the German artist Unica Zürn, within the post-war surrealist context. Her poetic methodology and the constant inter-species bodies that populate her drawings invite us to delve into the relations between human and non-human animals, beyond the stigma of madness that has directed most studies of her practice. Thus, from the keys provided by some of his texts and drawings, in conjunction with a posthuman gender reading, it will be shown to what extent Zürn distances herself from the romanticisation of the animal present in historical surrealism, tensing the limits between nature and culture.


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How to Cite

Romero González, A. (2024). Writing, Image and Animality. Interspecies Bodies in Unica Zürn. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 55, 101–115. https://doi.org/10.30827/caug.v55i0.30214



Dosier Surrealismo