Therese Frare & Peta: a photographic fabel during the AIDS crisis




Photojournalism, AIDS, stigma, identify, art, United States, Therese Frare, Peta (Patrick Church), XX century


In 1990, photojournalism student Therese Frare captured the agony of the young activist and AIDS patient David Kirby. A striking and indulgent image made iconic in the fight against disease stigma. Despite the great prestige achieved, the subsequent work around one of his caretakers, the enigmatic Peta, for two years until his death, also due to AIDS, turned out to be much more deep an complicated. A poetic journey in the final stretch of an extraordinary and fascinating being whose life was full of dualities. The moving story that make up the photographs taken was another way of showing the HIV carrier within a genre that emerged during the hardest years of this disease and a touching challenge that both faced.


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How to Cite

Parra Montero, F. (2023). Therese Frare & Peta: a photographic fabel during the AIDS crisis. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 54, 237–254.


