English-Speaking Artists in Granada. 1808-1926: Impacts and Cross-Cultural Exchange





Cross-Cultural Exchange, Alhambra (Granada), United Kingdom, United State of America, Australia, 19th century, 20th century


In this article, the incorporation of Spain to the Grand Tour route is considered as a cultural exchange profitable both to the visitors and to the hosts. It analyses the cultural keys that characterized it, as well as its impact on the conformation of the intellectual and cultural peculiarities in the Granada╞s society during the 19th and 20th centuries. That way, Granada is estated as a centre where modernity is assumed, with its owns features and rhythms, but with full adherence to the defining peculiarities of this historical period -which had usually been marginased it as an anomaly on the European map of Modernism. To support these arguments, we relates several case studies of exchanges and influences that took place in Granada╞s artistic field, between 1808 and 1936.


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How to Cite

Escoriza Escoriza, E. J. (2022). English-Speaking Artists in Granada. 1808-1926: Impacts and Cross-Cultural Exchange. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 53, 99–117. https://doi.org/10.30827/caug.v53i0.24729


