Influence and purpose of the aesthetic thought of Pablo Zelaya Sierra


  • Gabriel Galeano



Aesthetic thought, aesthetic culture, Honduran painting, authentic art, aesthetic apparatus, Pablo Zelaya Sierra, Daniel Vázquez Díaz, José Ortega y Gasset, Friederich Schiller, Theodor Adorno, Honduras, 20th century


The article concentrates a reflection about the aesthetic foundations of the thought of the Honduran artist Pablo Zelaya Sierra. Likewise, the article analyzes the implications of this creator’s work in the context of Honduran art and lists the enormous contribution of his aesthetic-pedagogical model in the generation of an aesthetic culture that clearly intended to achieve a sensitivity that would enable the development of a nation project without foreign influences and impositions.


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How to Cite

Galeano, G. (2022). Influence and purpose of the aesthetic thought of Pablo Zelaya Sierra. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 53, 169–188.


