Subversion and insurgency in performance Tribute to Sebastián Acevedo


  • Patricio Octavio Pérez González Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia, Chile)



Performance; artistic discourse; resistance; insurgency; subversión, Mares of the Apocalypse; Sebastián Acevedo, XXth Century


The Mares of the Apocalypse protested against the gentrification of art and the chilean political-social situation in the aftermath of the Pinochet dictatorship. The artists, based on the materiality and symbolic use of the living human body, denounced power relations and were part of a counter-hegemonic memorys story.

This article reveals the subversion and insurgency expressed by the artistic duo, based on an aesthetic-discursive analysis of the video of the performance Tribute to Sebastián Acevedo.

The demonstration of cunning and discursive force of Casas and Lemebel is recognized in this investigation, and, the interesting thing about the study of the performance indicated as an aesthetic object active in the production of the narrative of memories of resistance.


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How to Cite

Pérez González, P. O. (2021). Subversion and insurgency in performance Tribute to Sebastián Acevedo. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 52, 221–234.


