Expressionism, romanticism and twentieth century: Das cabinet des Dr Caligari at the Grand Guignol
Theater, France, terror, Expressionism, cinema, Grand Guignol, Robert Wiene, Carl Mayer, Hans Janowitz, André de Lorde, Henri BaucheAbstract
The Grand Guignol du Paris was a theater company that developed its activity between 1897 and 1962. Mainly, it staged exacerbated, extremely violent and explicit terror short plays. The most successful period of this company happened during the first third of the 20th Century and, more specifically, during the time between the two world wars. This period coincides with the emergence and development of avant-garde arts. In this work, we relate the Grand Guignol with the expressionist art, using one of its master pieces, the film Das cabinet des Dr. Caligari, which was staged by the Grand Guignol in 1925: Le Cabinet du Docteur Caligari, by André de Lorde and Henri Bauche. We analyze the differences and similarities between the film and the theater play in order to determine how the expressionist art was assimilated by the French scene.
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