Prudence or Wisdom? Synonymy and visual interaction


  • María Montesinos Castañeda Universitat de València



Wisdom, Prudence, Cardinal Virtues, Allegories, Iconography, Visual culture


Both Wisdom and Prudence have been treated like synonyms terms since Antiquity. Both concepts were personified through the goddess Athena/Minerva. These correspondences have led to an exchange of roles, being considered Wisdom as one of Cardinal Virtues. Likewise, in the allegories of Prudence and Wisdom we can find identical attributes which cater to the same meaning and function, concretely: the armed appearance, book, barn owl, sieve and the presence of some luminous object.


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How to Cite

Montesinos Castañeda, M. (2020). Prudence or Wisdom? Synonymy and visual interaction. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 51, 43–58.


