The last lesson of two masters. Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez. Castelao and Eduardo Dieste


  • Marina García López Universidad de Santiago de Compostela



migration, literatura, politics, education, Place names, Galicia, Río de la Plata. Period, Artistic vanguard, spanish exile, historic avant-gardes, literature, Castelao, Alfonso R., Dieste, Eduardo


In the begining of the 30s, a series of events concerning the cultural processes in “Río de la Plata”, in Uruguay in particular, favored a sensitive reception towards the ongoing Spanish political, social and economic issues which resulted on a strengthened relation between inteletcual groups and spanish artists that arrived to both shores of the river. In Argentina and Uruguay, a figurative art stream developed in correlation to the social, political and economic deterioration in both societies gained importance, consolidating, in the cultural esphere, ideological associations that would “mothered” the art from avant garde galician artists. These focus of galician culture have managed to thrive till present day bringing frontiers closer and encouraging the proximity between societies from both continents. “The last lesson of two masters” is an article about the friendship between Alfonso Daniel Rodriguez Castelao and Eduardo Dieste. This relationship is an example of this immigration flow related to the cultural activity between Galicia and the “Rio de la Plata”.


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Beramendi, J. G. y Villares, R. (1989). Actas Congreso Castelao. Santiago de Compostela: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Castelao, A. R. (1938). Los Gallegos en América. Nueva York: La Voz.

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Dieste, E. (1930). Teseo. Crítica Literaria. Montevideo: Ed. Teseo.

Dieste, E. (1987). Memoria Rota. Exilio y Heterodoxias. Obra selecta. Cuentos, teatro y teoría estética. Barcelona: Anthropos-Editorial del hombre.

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How to Cite

García López, M. (2019). The last lesson of two masters. Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez. Castelao and Eduardo Dieste. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 50, 201–213.


