For an understanding of despotism and politics in architecture


  • Rafael García Sánchez Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Murcia)



Modernity, Tyranny, Despotism, Ratio, Nature, Architecture, Le Corbusier, Siza, Álvaro


By virtue of a universal reason and a new spirit, part of modernity and the most radical architectural functionalism were absent of proportionality with the environment, the history and the nature. To deal with this attitude, realistic empiricism and humanist offered order and moderation with the place and culture, without losing contact with the constructive rationality and technological advances. This text intends to reach a theoretical understanding of the sense of despotism and the politic commensurability in architecture through the ville Savoye and the Leça Swimming Pool complex by Siza.


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How to Cite

García Sánchez, R. (2019). For an understanding of despotism and politics in architecture. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 50, 189–199.


