Sobre los tres retablos de la capilla de S. Cecilio de la Catedral de Granada y el Barroco atemperado. Puntualizaciones estilísticas y documentación (1774-1787)
We base our discussion on a general analysis of the architecture of the altarpieces in Granada cathedral and their decorative function within the architectonics of the building. Following this, we offer a series of comments on the changes in stylistic and formal concepts brought about by the royal decrees which forbade the making of altarpieces inwood and the regulations laid down regarding stone and marble. Together with a change in materials, there is also a change in forms, since columns are now much more widcly used in place of gilded carvings, thus giving risc to a tempered baroque style.
On the basis of detailed documentation we analyze the whole process of the creation of the thrce altarpieces dedicated to thc patron Saint of Granada, St. Cecilio, and to St. John of God and S. Emigdio. The first project was a commission given to Ventura Rodríguez and later to the architect Francisco Aguado and the sculptor Verdiguier (1774-1787). We also discuss the decoration of the whole chapel, which is the central one at the head of Granada cathedral. The documentation on the bronze pieces of work and the process of gilding employed are especially interesting, sincc these processes have been recorded in treatises which describe in detail the work undertaken.
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How to Cite
Sánchez-Mesa Martín, D. (1992). Sobre los tres retablos de la capilla de S. Cecilio de la Catedral de Granada y el Barroco atemperado. Puntualizaciones estilísticas y documentación (1774-1787). Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 269–296. Retrieved from
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