Los Ministriles de la Capilla Real y la Universidad de Granada: aspectos ceremoniales


  • Lázaro Gila Medina Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Historia del Arte, Universidad de Granada
  • María Josefa Gila Medina


One of the images most typical of Granada is the academic procession through the main streets of the town at the opening of the academic year, in which the civil authorities also participare, which takes place at the beginning of October and is at once both serious and festive. However, this procession is really the last remnant of a long and rich ceremonial tradition by means of which the university has over the centuries made its presence known in the town on numerous occasions throughout the year. Today we have more detailed knowledge of ali these activities thanks to the discovery of a Notary Protocol where the University and the canons of the Royal Chapel agree their co-panicipation in these ceremonial activities.


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How to Cite

Gila Medina, L., & Gila Medina, M. J. (1993). Los Ministriles de la Capilla Real y la Universidad de Granada: aspectos ceremoniales. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 335–343. Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/caug/article/view/10899


