Evolución histórica del entorno del monasterio de San Jerónimo: su dimensión urbana
This study of the histocial development of St. Jerome's follows a methodology aimed at discovering ali those aspects which allow us to determine the limits of this space, as well as the guidelines for public protective action, that is the "ground rules" for what is formally recognized in law as the protection of our historical heritage.We therefore examine the historical development of the surroundings of the monastery and determine the various contents (and forms) which constitute the relationship between the building and its environment. Jncluded in this overview, indeed, occupying an imponant place in it, is an analysis ofthe effects ofthe carrying out ofthe Spacial Plan for the Interior Reform of St. Joreme's Monastery. Finally the examination of the interrelationship between the monastery and the town leads us to define clearly the area affected by the monastery, and to take up a definite posture in our demand for cenain courses of action to be pursued.
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How to Cite
Castillo Ruiz, J. (1993). Evolución histórica del entorno del monasterio de San Jerónimo: su dimensión urbana. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 257–276. Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/caug/article/view/10893
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