Reglamentación urbana en Granada durante el Antiguo Régimen: de la ciudad cristiana a la ciudad ilustrada


  • Ricardo Anguita Cantero Becario de Investigación del Departamento de Historia del Arte, Universidad de Granada


The aim of the present paper is to describe the first attempts at adapting the town structure of Granada from the time of its conquest by the Catholic Kings to the end of the Enlightenment. By means of edicts and laws regulating town planning and building permits which were laid down in the City Ordinances, and through the creation of public officers whose task was to enforce these ordinances -the Master Builders, the Senior Town Architects, and the Cathedral Chapter set in motion a process- which did not conclude until the mid- 19th century - whose object was to
establish a control over town planing in the town which would permit its adaptation and change.


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How to Cite

Anguita Cantero, R. (1993). Reglamentación urbana en Granada durante el Antiguo Régimen: de la ciudad cristiana a la ciudad ilustrada. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 143–161. Retrieved from


