Women’s Spaces —Real and Imagined— in the Illustrated Beatus Commentaries
Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, Women, Medieval monasticism, Space, MemoryAbstract
The medieval Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, with twenty-nine surviving examples that extend from a single page to over 300 folios, is an illustrated genre spanning more than three centuries. Although the color-filled manuscripts have been well studied by scholars from a range of fields, the Beatus tradition has never been analyzed from a gendered perspective. In the present article, therefore, the authors investigate this apocalyptic genre as a whole in order to recover the memory of women’s involvement with the Beatus Commentaries. To do so, we apply a spatial analysis to female patronage and practices, and to the most telling examples of female representations within, demonstrating that a gendered lens brings to the fore evidence of originality in medieval manuscripts while restoring a more complete and balanced understanding of the Beatus tradition overall.
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